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Recently, I was kindly invited down by the lovely Ashley, who is the founder of Boss Face. With only starting up the brand last year in lockdown, she has developed a full range of fabulous products whilst still being a ‘boss’ herself. You may remember recently I was slightly obsessed with her hyaluronic acid? Well she’s back..

We went for her signature ‘Boss Face Fix’ facial which consists of using the micro-needling method. It is great for anti-ageing, not only is it designed to increase dermal thickness, remove any excess oil build up, but it is also amazing to help promote and rejuvenate cell turn over.

To begin with Ashley started out by cleansing my skin, an imperative and key step in any skin routine, as I always say there is no point in using all your good serums, lotions and potions if you haven’t properly cleansed and prepped your skin! I love cleansing it makes me feel so clean and fresh, does anyone else get that like?

Now for the good part, once I was fully cleansed Ashley began the microdermabrasion process. This was a very quick treatment, nothing too uncomfortable and I actually liked the feeling of it. It is performed using a device/tool that is equipped with mini needles which gets rolled across the skin. This is a technique that is used to cause miniature 'punctures holes' into our skin, now I know it does sound a little cray’ but the idea being that when products/ingredients are placed on top of the skin, they will penetrate deeper, promoting and maximising cell turnover and rejuvenation to the skin.

As we did use a glycolic acid and quite frankly one of my all time fave acids! We know this is great for brightening the skin, helps with any breakouts but also leaves a healthy glow to the skin. I really loved this part of the facial, as I could really the glycolic really working in to my skin, I definitely had the AHA tingles for sure!

Finishing off with the treatment, a charcoal & coconut clay mask was applied. lThis was left on for around 5/10 minutes, at which point I think I actually fell asleep, I was so relaxed!

To finish off the facial, I went under the UV lamp – something I’d never done before but Ashley advised that this would be great as I had a minor breakout around my chin, the UV light will help to kill the bacteria and so it did!

Just before my facial was over, she kindly gave me another product to try and test out, which I have been and will be doing a full review shortly so stay tuned for that! All in all the facial took around half an hour and the best part? No down time which makes life so much easier!

Thank you to the lovely Ashley for my treatment, I would 100% recommend her. I loved it and was super glowy even the next day when I woke up! It was so lovely to meet Ashley and hear about her amazing brand and how she started. Definitely check her out and give her a visit if you are in Liverpool, she's super professional and definitely knows her stuff! I have left her details below if you wish to book in for a treatment.



This was just after the microdermabrasion, hence why my skin is a little warm. Then the kaolin clay mask was applied, which was so cooling!

That Glow!

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