How often do you CLEANSE?
I was sat at my desk not too long ago when the question was brought up ‘how often do you cleanse?’ I was so intrigued to find out how people cleanse but most importantly how often too, for me personally I cleanse twice a day, once in the morning and then double cleanse in the evening (technically three times but anyway)
I honestly was so shocked to learn that some people only like cleanse twice a week, I was truly baffled, so the debate began.. Suprising a lot of women I work with said they simply ‘couldn’t be bothered’ or ‘I don’t have time in the morning’ at this point you can imagine my jaw was scrapping the floor, my argument is well if you have enough time to do your make up, then what is an exta 2 minutes in the morning? I get not everybody wants to have 9 steps in their routine but a simple cleanse, tone and moisturise, especially if you are wearing make up. I also found out that some girls don't actually wash their face before putting on make up, this completely blew my mind! One thing I will say, if you really don’t want to cleanse twice a day then at least do it once in the evening, I cannot stress how important this is, you really do want to thoroughly clean your skin as throughout the day dirt/grime is collected on the skin which can result in this sitting in our pores, something which nobody wants. Also think about it; you use your phone, eat, open/close doors then touch your face, basically a lot of germs can sit on the surface of the skin, so I would say if you only want to do this once, make sure it's during the evening.
Most importantly what is the point in using expensive serums, anti wrinkle products, retinols etc if your not going to start with a blank canvas first? A lady I worked with told me she just uses moisturiser every day and then cleanses on Sunday’s & Wednesday’s. I just could not believe what I was hearing, as a skincare lover and enthusiast this truly blows my mind, am I the only one who doesn't think this is right? Or am I being overdramatic? I could not image my skin if I cleaned twice a week, for starters my skin would dry up even more but more importantly I just would not feel clean!
So the real question is, how often do YOU cleanse?