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Hydrabio Mask

I was sent this mask to try from Bioderma and I’ve got to say as a whole I’m really impressed by the brand, I find they do cater for all as they have their sensitive range too which is so gentle on the skin. 

This is the Hydrabio mask, and can I just say how much I’m loving the brands ‘Hydrabio’ range, the whole range being that the products hydrate the skin so well!

Back to the mask, I like to use in the evening after I have double cleansed and toned. Like with any masks I tend to leave them on longer than recommended unless it’s a heat mask but I like to get as much out of the mask as I can. This mask is recommended to wipe off after 10 minutes using tissue or cotton, now I’ve got to admit with me this wasn’t the case and that I actually slept in this mask and I wasn’t dissapointed with the results..

I woke up and when I say my skin was full of moisture it really was! This was the first time in years I have woken up and my skin was still really hydrated. It almost reminded me of when I was on holiday in Europe last year how my skin would feel when I woke up, which I loved. I have always had dehydrated skin so for me to wake up the next morning and have moisturse still left and visible on the skin, is quite frankly a miracle. 

I have been using the mask for the last couple of weeks and tend to reach for it 2/3 a week, the mask claims to help regenerate the skin, which it certainly does in my opinion. On the website it also states that the mask will provide deep-down, long lasting moisture during periods of extreme dehydration. This gorgeous, moisturinf mask does exactly what it says on the tin and I can safely say my skin was unbelievably  hydrated and really helped to lock in moisture, this is certainly a new favourite of mine!

I feel this mask would be perfect for anybody who suffers with really dry/dehydrated skin as this formula is fairly thick but super cooling at the same time and instantly calms down the skin. I would also recommend to apply a generous layer when using the mask and if you wish to, you can tissue/wipe it off after 10 minutes, however I think I am going to stick to using this during the night as a sleep mask and I find I get maximum benefits this way. 

I honestly cannot recommend this enough, this is one product where I can safely say I felt and noticed a difference overnight. This does retail for £15 and I do think it would last a good few months as it can be used as little of as often as you wish to, I would always say use between 2/3 a week for best results, you could even use this after exfoliating to bring back some moisture to the skin, this would work amazingly well and also keep the silky silky soft. 

Once again thank you very much to Anna at Bioderma for sending me this and also all of the other products I have received. As always I am 100% honest and would not recommend a product this much if I didn’t fully believe it worked. I seriously love this mask and I do think a lot of people will do too!

The mask can be purchased from Boots or directly through Bioderma where you can also shop the whole range. 


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